

Hello, dear reader
My name is Martin Schmidt.
I am the creator of this website. I guess you've already read the news, right?

If not, click on the button under me

I am 16 years old, am doing my apprenticeship at PCETERA Informatik in Heimberg and am currently in the basic apprenticeship year at BiCT AG. I also run two YouTube channels from which I always upload different stuff. Here is my latest video:

This website was designed from the ground up by me. The pictures used are all from Pixabay and are not copy protected.
You can read more about this READ HERE
If you want to know more about PCETERA (the company where I do the apprenticeship) click HERE
And if you want to visit PCETERA, then you know where to find it with the help of this map!

You can find the BiCT AG website right HERE

Otherwise, I hope you like the site!